Recent Projects

Mordern cooperate website for techwings Global LLC

Built with

HTML5CSS3JavaScript Live Project

Boss services LLC is a US based registered business that is at the fore front of consulting and general business

Built with

HTML5CSS3JavaScriptAnimate.css Live Project

Proposed website for a cleaning angency

Built with

HTML5CSS3JavaScript Live Project

This is a portfolio website built with ReactJS, scss(SASS), scss(SASS) CSS preprossessor, Animate.css, and react-router-dom

Built with

HTML5CSS3SCSS (Sass) ReactJS (JavaScript) Live Project

Techwings is a recruitment agency that connects talent with companies for hire

Built with

HTML5CSSTailwindCssReactNodejs Live Project

Evergreenside Healthcare Staffing Services is a fast growing recruitment agency for healthcare professionals in USA.

Built with

HTML5CSS3Sass CSSBoostrap4JavaScriptWOW.jspoper.js Live Project This is a private repo

This website was built for an art store in Port Harcourt Nigeria.

Built with

HTML5CSS3JavaScript Live Project

UchennaTUT is my capstone project during my training with Microverse a remote software development school based in USA, you can go through the repo in github

Built with

HTML5CSS3Sass CSSBoostrap4JavaScriptWOW.jspoper.js Live Project Github

Profesco is a proposed educational project...

Built with

HTML5CSSReactJavaScript Live Project Github

NonsoKitchen is a proposed site for an outdoor catering services, it is on of the project I made during HNG internship

Built with

HTML5CSSBoostrap4JavaScript Live ProjectGithub

This project is a Demo site built for my current company

Built with

HTML5CSS3Particle.jsAnimate.cssJavaScript Live Project Github

Niiflicks is a landing page I built for an entertainment company used for redirecting their potential customers

Built with

HTML5CSSJavaScript Live Project Github

Newsweek is a clone of the Newsweek official website built it collaborating with a coding partner during my days in Microverse.

Built with

HTML5CSSJavaScript Live Project Github

Rest is one of the project I contributed to during HNG7 internship

Built with

HTML5CSSBoostrap4JavaScript Live Project Github

This project is one of the projects I built HNG7 to document some of the projects I built during the internship.

Built with

HTML5CSS3Boostrap4JavaScript Live ProjectGithub

This is second iteration of the proposed website for my current company which is what we are currently using with few modification to suit the business need

Built with

HTML5CSSJavaScript Live ProjectGithub

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© Uchenna Anya